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Writer's pictureDebbie Milton

Love the Sound of My Feet Walking Away

Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.

Proverbs 4:26

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that are not meant for me.

This is the quote Eddie Pinero—an international speaker, video producer and the Founder of Your World Within—mentioned as I listened on the second day of the new year to his motivational speeches from This Is Your Time.

My first thought was: What will it take for me to learn to love the sound of my feet walking away from the things not meant for me?

There’s something about starting the new year quieting the noise and distractions to pursue Jesus and His direction for your life. To be alone to take an inventory of your life and to ask some hard questions:

What or who do I need to walk away from?

What in my life is not meant for me? Not meant for me anymore? Or was never meant for me?

Have I possibly lost myself or am I not becoming the person Christ wants me to become while holding on to what is not meant for me?

What is no longer serving me? (Perhaps it never really served you—it is something that merely fills a void).

Or as the motivational speaker expressed—“you’re not happy, but the very basic boxes are checked."

A job. Relationship or friendship. Distraction. Worry. Social Media. Apathy. Unhappiness. Lack of Self-Control. Comparison. Loneliness. Bad Habit. Sin. Or something else.

In her article—Walking Away from What No Longer Serves You, Shannon Whaley explains it this way: “What feels like an itchy, ill-fitting wool sweater that you can’t wait to get out of?”

It’s been a little over two weeks that I walked away from my job to start retirement life—one of the most rewarding choices I’ve made in my life. A huge exhale moment.

For years, I was concerned about having all my ducks in a row. I’ve come to realize that my ducks will never be in a row, because life is not perfect. Dave Ramsey says: You just need to get the boat a little closer to the dock before you jump.

What I was putting off and postponing was fully doing the very things which make me come alive and bring me happiness.

In 2022, I am walking away from the things not meant for me [or not meant for me anymore—or that was never meant for me].

Walking away clears the path for what is meant to find us.

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away.

There is beauty in it.

Prayer: Lord, walking away is not easy—no matter what it is. Sometimes, what I desire or stay stuck in may not be what is meant for me or meant for me anymore. Help me to ponder the path of my feet so that all my ways will be sure in this new year. Help me to follow the path you choose for me and to learn to love the sound of my feet walking away from what is not meant for me. I want what you meant for me to have in your time and in your ways.


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