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"Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”― Paul Coelho

We all are unbecoming. 


But, sometimes we stay stuck in our unbecoming at the expense of becoming all who God meant us to be.

Oftentimes, we get stuck in our unbecoming because we continue to live out old and broken narratives that don’t serve us any longer or never fit us in the first place.


What do you need to let go of to unbecome her?  How do you need to start showing up to become her?


Many of us have come to the realization that we are in a new season of life, and we are no longer her—the person we used to be.  Or we’ve checked off the boxes to find ourselves wondering if there is more to life than this.  Or perhaps you, like many, need help finding out “who you were meant to be in the first place.”

Unbecoming Her—Discover the Beauty of Unbecoming
90-Minute Coaching Session

In this 90-minute session, we’ll jump right into your coaching session. By completing the pre-work exercises, it will maximize our time as you discover the beauty of unbecoming. 

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