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Where Beautiful Happens

Community — Conversation — Coaching 



A Free Virtual Community for Single Women

2nd Saturdays Monthly

7:00 pm (ET) / 4:00 pm (PT)

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What makes singleness beautiful isn’t our relationship status, but our relationship with Jesus.

In a marriage emphasis culture, it can be easy to lose sight of the purpose God has for singleness when it is often portrayed as a waiting room for marriage.


Here at Beautiful Singleness, we choose to shift our perspective and rise above the negative narrative surrounding single life to uncover the beauty of the significance season of singleness.


We are a discipleship-focused community for single women where you feel seen, valued and connected. A safe, supportive space where you can make lifelong friends, share life’s joys and struggles, and most importantly, grow spiritually in your relationship with Jesus.

Whether you are a new Christian or have been a follower of Christ for many years, Beautiful Singleness is a safe place where you can discover God’s plan for your singleness.


Where you are encouraged about the beauty as well as the challenges of singleness.


God designed us for community. We’re not meant to navigate and grow in our relationship with Jesus on our own.

Join us for Beautiful Singleness—a free virtual monthly gathering that meets the 2nd Saturday of each month for single women of all ages who are looking for community in their pursuit of Jesus.


Registration is required to attend this free community. Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. 

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Conversations About the Questions Jesus Asked

A Virtual Membership Community for Women

(Coming April 2025)

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Woman Become is a membership group coaching experience combined with discipleship to engage in conversations about the questions Jesus asked.

How would you answer Jesus’ questions?


The quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions you’ve been asked.


Get ready for some exciting conversations sure to change lives.

Whether you are single or married, you are invited to join us when Woman Become meets virtually as we discuss different questions that Jesus asked.

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Investments in Your Spiritual Growth Will Determine Who You Are Becoming

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How much do you value spiritual growth?

There are many things in life that people value that are important. Oftentimes neglected is what is most important and of value to God—spiritual growth. 

The enemy knows the value and significance of our spiritual growth—that is why Satan is after it.

Spiritual growth is the process of becoming more and more like Jesus Christ and it matters if we are to be true disciples.

Every Christian is on the lifelong journey of growing spiritually—none of us have already arrived.


“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Philippians 3:12).

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If you’re ready to say yes to a deeper relationship with Jesus, we offer a safe place—where beautiful happens—for Christian women to grow and prioritize their spiritual growth. 

The investments you make in your spiritual growth have value for the present and eternity.

As a Certified Christian Life Coach, I am passionate about discipleship and helping women pursue and grow in their relationship with Jesus to become like Him.



(3 Emails)


Email coaching with this package is Christ-centered coaching through confidential written email exchanges. No phone calls or appointments are needed. Flexibility and convenience to respond to each email. 

What will we email each other about?


As a Christan woman, there is probably at least one area where you would like to change to be more Christlike.


For example, maybe you would like to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. Or perhaps you struggle with comparison envy when you see others living what you dream about.  Maybe you are like the woman at the well quenching your thirst with things that don’t satisfy.  Or perhaps you want to glorify God and enjoy him forever.


Imagine someone holding space—a safe space—for you to process change by looking to Scripture for encouragement and accountability.

This package includes three emails responses with thought provoking questions, personalized responses, biblical insight, encouragement, prayer, resources, and accountability framed around a specific area where you are seeking spiritual growth while engaging a passage of Scripture to apply to your life.

Throughout the Bible, we see the importance of Scripture in helpinig us to grow spiritually.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.


(3 Phone Sessions)


In Genesis 3:9, God asked His first recorded question in the Bible: “Where are you?”

God is asking us the same question today. Not where we are physically, but as an invitation for deep reflection to return to a closer relationship with him by being honest, acknowledging, and owning where we have wandered away from living according to His will.  

Where are you is a critical question that we must ask ourselves over and over if we are to have hearts toward God. 

Asking the question “Where are you,” helps us to examine not only our relationship with God, but our relationship with others and other things that greatly impacts where we are spiritually.

Where are you in your relationships?  Where are you in your struggles, your distractions, your disappointments? Where are you in your decisions, your pursuits, your contentment, your happiness? Where are you in living your values and being authentically yourself?

This 1:1 life coaching package is 60 minute sessions bi-weekly via phone for three sessions to meet you where you are and help you move forward to where God desires you to be.

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